Fairy Places

Within the woods is a looping path leading up to a sloping part of the woods and circling back down again. Along the loop are Badger HIde, Buzzard Lookout, The Lonesome PIne, Hill Top Pond, Cow Parsley Corner, the Crosspatch Tree, the Grand Cave, the Great Oak and Sapling Grove.

The entrance to the loop is marked by an archway of young elm trees.

In this part of the woods there are many fallen trees lying across the woodland floor as there are standing up. These have been blown over many years and lie covered in a vibrant emerald green moss and are the homes of all sort of small creatures and insects.

There are also lots of half trunks; those parts left standing when the main trunk snapped. These low stumps make great look out posts or stages for fairy gatherings in summertime when the winds don't whistle through.               

The trees here have lots of nooks and crannies, holes and tunnels in branches and trunks which are perfect for a cosy fairy house!

jenniferbuddle@btinternet.com  © Jenny Buddle 2011